About Me

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Dibden Purlieu, New Forest, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hi. I am a Professional Gardener and Designer based in Dibden Purlieu on the edge of the New Forest. Qualified to: RHS Advanced certificate in horticulture FdSc Garden Design, Sparsholt college, Hampshire

Monday, 16 January 2012

Allotment Update

Here are a couple of photos taken last sunday, Becky and I took the opportunity to apply compost to the surfaces of the areas that are dug so far. The compost was from my own bins at home and should provide some much needed organic matter to assist in opening the soil structure.

We now have half of the allotment dug with Raspberries planted in the area that you can see hasnt been mulched. We'll give it a fork over first and then we will do so perhaps next weekend. ?

We also planted some garlic bulbs in compost in modules, which are currently sitting on the floor of my greenhouse, and we have recieved our potatoes for chitting.
We are now thinking about the other half, and what to do with it. Were thinking about digging a couple of longer areas across the width in which to sow the garlic, onions and Runner / Broad Beans. We want to squeeze in some apple and Pear trees and we are also minded to consider growing them as cordons. Oh and some flowers for cutting

You will see that the boys next door have re erected their frame around their patch. It was a sorry sight a week ago following the heavy winds. But being industrious individuals its all back to normal now.

With the weather being so mild there are a few more allotment holders about now and we're all taking advantage of the mild weather. Its nice though to have some colder mornings now with some hard frosts which should slow things down a bit.

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