About Me

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Dibden Purlieu, New Forest, Hampshire, United Kingdom
Hi. I am a Professional Gardener and Designer based in Dibden Purlieu on the edge of the New Forest. Qualified to: RHS Advanced certificate in horticulture FdSc Garden Design, Sparsholt college, Hampshire

Monday, 17 June 2013

A 1/4 Acre rural Redesign continued

Here is the 4th blog in this series concerning my design process of a 1/4 acre rural garden.

So far i have covered in the previous 3 blogs: i have covered the site assessment and the Client brief through to concept design.

This blog will deal with developing the concept plans through consultation with the client to a final agreed 'Master Plan'

As you might have noticed in the previous blog, the 3 concept plans developed the same basic design idea into slightly differing plans, each dealing with areas such as access i.e. steps entering or leaving the terraces, the shape of areas and paving.

This route allowed the transfer of ideas from each concept into one final design without too much anguish. Had the designs been totally different and the client had liked aspects from 3 different designs then problems might arise.

I think a more preferable way forward would be, if you have taken a thorough client brief to develop one concept only and then fine tune that.

So having discussed the concepts here is the final master plan.

As you will see there is a mixture of both paving and aggregate surfaces, the basic shape is retained and a seat built into the terrace wall facing towards the bi fold doors located in the far end of the garage accessing the kitchen area. Planting has been inset into the aggregate surfaced terrace in front of the conservatory and house kitchen. ( Planting Plans will feature separately)

Given the size of the garden i decided to break down the whole plan into 3 further master plans to deal with the two terraces, firepit and the area between the house and garage. Front Elevations of both terraces have been provided to visualise what they will look like.

Please feel free to comment or ask any question. This blog will also feature on www.landscapehub.co.uk

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